Andy Kane

Andy Kane - Leadership Consultant, Coach and Change Manager

Andy Kane - Leadership Consultant, Coach and Change Manager

For 25 years Andy has facilitated, consulted and studied in human potential. He specialises in change, leadership and coaching. He has a grounded style that cuts through corporate speak and invites those he works with to experience more of who they are through their work.

During his career Andy has worked in a host of different sectors and organisations designing and delivering interventions that deliver corporate objectives and stimulate personal growth. Examples include

  • FMCG: Managing Change, 2 day programme forming part of the companies Global Learning Curriculum. Delivered in over 50 countries consistently in top 3 of course evaluations.

  • Financial Services: Transformational Coaching programme for senior leaders in a Global Bank

  • Telecommunications: Senior and Mid Level Development Programmes. Delivered across Europe.

  • Global aircraft manufacturer:  12 day modular development programme, for all new first line managers, delivered to 600+ managers in 4 countries.

  • Financial Services: Coaching senior executives

  • Executive Coaching: Senior Business Leaders, FMCG, Financial Services, Third Sector, Legal.

Qualifications include:

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Change Agent Skills and Strategies. (Including the equivalent of ICF, APECS or EMCC coaching accreditation).

  • Systemic Coaching, Mapping and Constellations.  Accredited ICF

  • Systemic Team Coaching: Accredited

  • Andy also holds a BA International Relations, NLP Practitioner, CIPD Cert Personnel Practice, MBTI I&II, and is an Aikido instructor 5th Dan.